Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blawg Noomber Seven !

How according to ishmael, do we save the world? According to you?

According to Ishmael, we need to re write what was written and not divide the two peoples into takers and leavers. Though we have free will, we can always teach someone to do good and not evil.
Although, I believe that theres a reason for everything. We have free will, which leads to choices. Choices lead to consequences. Consequences lead to endings, which then turn back into another choice. It's a vicious cycle, but, we cannot stop the inevitable. We have choices, but that does not necessarily mean we always pick bad choices. I think that this whole story was based on choice. Adam had the choice to eat the apple. He was given free will. We have to have the will to save the planet. We also need the knowledge of what is happenening around us. Without knowledge, how can we even think about saving somthing that we do not even know is going on? In the end, I beleive we can do somthing, it's just a matter of having the will to do it.

Yet another QQC.

"Without Gorilla, will there be hope for man?"

Why was that on the back of the poster? What does it mean?

I think it means that, since the narrorator no longer has a teacher, I think Ishmael has hopes for the narrorator and that his job was done. His whole theory was that, if you want to change the world, you need to rewrite what was written by history.

Interview !!

Interview !!

Paul: So! Mom, What are your views on Global Warming?

Mom: Well, I beleive that global warming is happenening and that it should and can be stopped. We all can do our part in keeping this earth clean.

Paul: What do you think we can do to help minimize the effects of Global Warming?

Mom: We recycle, we compost, we even re-use grocery bags. I think we even have our own Henrey's bag that your father uses.

Paul: Thanks mom. Is there anything you would like to say?

Mom: No, I have work to do. Thanks for asking though.


Paul: So dad, what are your views on the state of our planet?

Dad : I think our planet is in a pretty bad state come to think of it. With Global Warming, and the economy crashing, we've pretty much driven us to dark times.

Paul: How do you think we can pull out of this state?

Dad: Well, we're doing as much as we can to conserve energy. Well, atleast i'm trying my hardest. Hah, why do you ask?

Paul: I just think we should be worried about the state of our world. Do you think so?

Dad: Well, yeah. It's pretty bad, the position we're in right now. Although, I know we can pull through. Are you done?

Paul: Yeah, you have anything to add?

Dad: Not really. Go take out the trash when you're done.

Paul: Wooh. Thanks dad.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ishmael QQC #2

"This one planet was destined to be the birth place of man"

Why would he say that? Does he consider all the other organisms living on this planet as well?

I don't agree with this quote. Some would say that yes, this world was created to sustain the life of man, but, consider the other living things on this planet. Surely, they all have a purpose in life. Not one thing is alike on this earth. Each person has one Destiny to fulfill as Ishmael said. Though we may not know it, I believe every single person, man or animal alike, has a just reason for living.

Ishmael II

The beginning of man began even before the first human walked the earth. Before humans, there were dinosaurs. Then after Dinosaurs, there were apes, which then were followed by man, as the scientists say. Those who believe in science and evolution would say that man evolved from ape. Those who believe in religion would say that we were never evolved from the monkey and that God created us. However way you look at it, we really don't know where we came from or how we came to be. In the end, scientists create hypotheses about our existence. Although, we may never know how we came to be.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Quote, Question, Comment!

"Five Severed fingers do not make a hand."

Why would the Gorilla compare his family to a hand of five severed fingers?

I think it's a comparison to humans with the world. If the humans don't do they're fair share and are separate from the world, they both will fall.